Depths We Need To Climb Up To

Depths We Need To Climb Up To

An extensive collection of hand-picked maxims and remarks by most brilliant people of human history. All of them are accompanied by remarks which help the reader to apply the wisdom of the past to their present-day vision of the world. One of background themes are that paradoxes are best descriptions of human nature and Lao Tsu's "An acme of wisdom appears as lunacy". Example: ‘Generals should be kept as far away from battlefields as possible’.

Kolekcja maksym, spostrzeżeń i porad, które sformułowali mistrzowie obserwacji świata.


人類歷史上最傑出人物精心挑選的格言和言論的廣泛集合。 所有這些都附有評論,幫助讀者將過去的智慧應用到當今的世界視野中。 背景主題之一是,悖論是對人性的最好描述,以及老子的“智慧之極顯現為瘋狂”。 例如:“將軍應盡可能遠離戰場”。

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