Songs of distant tribes Photo-album and stories of Taiwan's aboriginal persons

I am looking for these people Photos of your tribe

You will never see a more beautiful book on Taiwan or Taiwan's aboriginal peoples

(國語演示頁面請按這裡. Po polsku: wejdź tutaj.)

Dear All!

Here you see the official crowdfunding presentation for the book Songs of distant tribes

The first edition of the album is scheduled for premiere in October 2023 in Poland. In Taiwan, the Chinese language edition will be available in October 2023, but for supporters in CROWDFUNDING ONLY. See below.


中文或英文版本的內容樣品。 現在請看看 英文的書籍摘錄

The book contains over 200 portraits of the aboriginal peoples of all ages and peoples. 在這裡看圖輯 圖輯。

  • 這本書已經得到了波蘭最有名的旅行家和探險家Jacek Palkiewicz的贊揚。他因發現亞馬孫河的源頭而聞名。 Wiki
  • 波蘭版將包括波蘭最大日報的主編Boguslaw Chrabota的前言。 Wiki
  • 另外,波蘭版將包括波蘭最受尊敬的語言和溝通專家Jerzy Bralczyk教授。他會介紹他的對非語言溝通(non-verbal communication)的想法。 Wiki


我現在的決定是2023年這本書不會在書店出售。2024 年才會在書店賣得到。為什麼?看下面。


現在(時限2023年10月底)用新臺幣1000元支持我,就可以得到一份編號版的禮物:硬皮,第一頁上有我個人的 〔謝謝你!〕感謝信。

到今天為止已經 9 人 支持了我。

用NT$500支持我的人 (封面顏色不一樣)

現在用一次性 NT$500 助推器支持我(時限2023年3月),即會獲得普通簽名精裝版。

Support me with a one-time NT$500 help now to receive a signed hard-cover edition.



How to send your support



Revolut ID: @piotrplebaniak


我的 LINE ID 是 peter.gavagai。 我可能不會立即回复您的消息。 給我最多24小時。 感謝您的理解。 請記住,我很內向,我討厭手機。 我一般不接語音電話。

My LINE ID is peter.gavagai. I might not respond immediately to your messages. Give me up to 24 hrs. Thank you for your understanding. Please keep in mind that I am very introvertic and I hate phones. I usually don't receive calls.

注意:在發送任何支持之前,請確認您已連接到我。 我建議檢查我的 Facebook

Note: please confirm that you have connected to me before sending any support. I suggest checking my Facebook page.



國泰世華銀行(013) 文山分行103
帳戶號碼 103-501-152-980

Don't forget to give me your contact details!!

About me

Up until September 2023 I have written 12 books. Ten are published and two are waiting the right time (September 2023, Christmas 2023). The book about Taiwan, as it is 100% complete at this moment, counts as number 9. It was already distributed to selected persons in Poland. The reason for delay is that I decided to take more bautiful photos during the summer of 2023.

Below you will see covers for my books presently available and scheduled for market before end of 2023. Until the end of 2023 it will be 13 books. Until the end of 2024, I will publish four more books. HOVER: see the English and Chinese titles. HOVER: see title in English CLICK: see a brief summary, samples and a 'look inside' of some pages.

Hint #1: Hover on the cover to see a basic description: 1st publication year, title, content summary.

Hint #2: Click the cover image to see sample pages as JPG images (in a new tab).

In 2021 Poland's National Fire Service asked me to write an article on Taiwan's Firefighters. Thanks to extremely great attitude of Taiwan's Ministry of Interior I wrote the piece linked below (English language translation). Enjoy:

See presentations of my books in Chinese and English (incl. samples) Here (PDF)



My personal FB timeline Here.


Instagram (not updated)

不好意思,我不用Instagram :(

我的大計劃 (The grand design)